Eating Discipline

One of the main reasons for writing this blog is so that I can be accountable for what I eat, when I eat it and how much I eat. I have terrible disciple when it comes to food. In the mornings, i'll eat when I feel like it, I usually have some oats with cinnamon, milk and sugar. Then, i'll have lunch which will conveniently be made up of the previous night's leftovers or a sandwich. Dinner is the best meal of the day, I love to cook and make yummy dishes for the family.

Eating plans (Diets)

I didn't want to be one of those people who yo-yo diets, loses weight and then gains it all back. I've realized that I need to make a lifestyle change in order to beat the fat. I joined Curves last year and failed abysmally at trying to keep to the eating plan and the workout was just boring. I hated having to do the same thing, day in, day out. I then left that behind and joined a gym but before that I discovered SleekGeekSA. Words cannot begin to express how grateful I am for having found them. A group of people all with the same goal: to be healthy. The support and encouragement gave me the boost I needed to start my 30 day detox. They call it REBOOT, I call it life changing. I lost 8kgs in 30 days what could be more encouraging than that? The REBOOT is similar to Paleo except that it is  much stricter and encourages your body to beat the food cravings and to separate yourself from bad eating habits. You can read more about the differences here. The idea of clean eating and "training dirty" is very attractive to me especially when I see all the Sleek #transformationtuesday submissions, I always think: 'That could be me too!'.

Back to eating discipline or lack thereof, I stopped the reboot and reverted back to my old eating habits. This of course caused me to gain all the weight back and more (yo-yo dieter pff!). I did however continue going to the gym. I still do that a few times a week but not eating right is causing the workouts to have little effect on my body. The REBOOT worked for me and I know why... My slow metabolism doesn't allow my body to digest carbs very well. Carbs are not made for me and I eat far too many. So I've decided, moderation is key. I'm not going to commit to an eating style but I am going to eat what works for me. Less Carbs, more vegetables, less refined sugars, more proteins and healthy fats. I've created my own eating guidelines and i'm hoping that sticking to this and eating the required amount of calories will help me achieve my goals. 

What to expect?

Ill be posting a daily food diary with total calories consumed, daily water intake and daily exercise logs. I'm my own worst critic, and the food diary will help me to focus.

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  1. "moderation is key. I'm not going to commit to an eating style but I am going to eat what works for me. Less Carbs, more vegetables, less refined sugars, more proteins and healthy fats. I've created my own eating guidelines" perfect this is a lifestyle change not a diet, I'm with you on this journey :), you aren't following a meal plan which becomes boring you understand that not all food is healthy and know what foods to include in you're eating habits and what to keep as treats

    1. Yayy!!! Your approval means alot! :) Thanks Luqmaan!
