Let's Begin

Road to health: Ironically children's clinic cards are called "Road to Health" and as of late I've been doing so much research into healthier living. No judgement unto others; this journey is about myself. I am young, overweight and at risk for hereditary chronic heart disease and diabetes. This journey is going to change that. I want to be healthy and I want to inspire my family to be healthier so that they have better lives and so that their health is prioritised amongst all the things they do too. For a long time now, I've been researching and thinking about how I'm going to do this. Mostly I think I've been procrastinating, afraid of taking that first step and now I think I'm ready. The time for procrastinating is over! The last time I procrastinated so much was when I had to do assignments at uni. Alas, you only achieve when you work for something, so here goes. 

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